
Ava and Malik* were born into a violent cycle of domestic abuse and substance use. They came to the attention of Child Protective Services after a series of over twelve visits to their home from law enforcement.

Ava and Malik were appointed a dedicated Court Appointed Special Advocate.

This CASA advocate’s priority was to ensure the children’s home was safe. During weekly visits with Ava and Malik, he observed the parent’s progress with Court-ordered services. He also proactively built intentional relationships with the children’s extended family.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, the children’s father died of an overdose and their mother experienced a mental health breakdown. Thanks to CASA’s in-depth knowledge of their family, the children were quickly transitioned to live with relatives. The children’s CASA advocate could not shelter them from loss. However, his work prevented added anxiety and instability by helping them find a safe home.

In situations like these, our courts make critical decisions to ensure the safety of children who have experienced abuse, neglect and/or traumatic loss. At Henrico CASA, we are proud to be involved in the process, advocating for a child’s best interests and moving them towards a permanent home as quickly as possible. Learn more about the role of a Court Appointed Special Advocate here

*To maintain privacy, CASA changes names and identifying details when sharing case stories.