
May is National Foster Care Month. What is Foster Care? It is the system that we established in the United States to provide a temporary home for children who, for their own protection, have been removed from the care of their family of origin.

It is a common misconception that Child Protective Services and/or Judges want to remove children from their homes. At Henrico CASA, we have not seen this to be true. Removing a child from their home, potentially the only home they have ever known, is a traumatic experience. There are two prerequisites considered before making this difficult decision:

  1. Would remaining in their current home be detrimental to the childโ€™s welfare?
  2. Have reasonable efforts been made to prevent the childโ€™s removal?  

By definition, โ€˜fosterโ€™ means โ€˜stand-inโ€™ or โ€˜substituteโ€™. Hence, foster care is intended to be short term. This temporary arrangement provides safety to a child, while long term solutions are developed for their future security. The three long-term or permanency goals are typically:

  • Reunification: A child reunites with their family of origin after the initial crisis is stabilized. In many cases, the Department of Social Services coordinates services and supports to ensure their wellbeing. 
  • Kinship Care: If reunification can not be achieved safely, it is preferential for a child to be placed in the care of a family member. This allows for a smoother transition because the child already has an established relationship with their new caregiver. โ€˜Kinโ€™ refers to biological relatives or non-relatives who are considered to be as close as family.
  • Adoption: There are difficult situations when it becomes clear that a biological parent will not be able to care for their child moving forward. In these cases, we hope for long-term safety, security, and love for a child – and that comes through adoption. A child may be adopted by a kinship caregiver, foster parent, or new adoptive family. 

Every child and situation is unique! There is no one solution that makes sense for allโ€ฆ thatโ€™s why it is so important to have short-term care while the best possible long term decisions are developed. Our goal as advocates is always to increase a childโ€™s overall well-being and strengthen their support systems for the future.