
Each year, The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT Data Book  provides information on the well being of children across all fifty states. Virginia’s children and youth rank 16th in the country overall. In our October blog posts, we will be breaking down the four main categories of well-being: economic well-being, education, health, & family and community.  

Today, let’s break down the economic well-being of Virginia’s youth and where the statistics stand today:

Economic Well-Being

The four key indicators of economic well-being are: 

  • Children in Poverty-In Virginia, 234,000 children are living in poverty, which makes up 13% of children in our state. This percentage has stayed the same since 2019. Studies show that children in poverty have higher levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. This can negatively impact mental and physical development throughout a child’s life.  
  • Children whose parents lack secure employment- Across the state, 392,000 children are impacted by parents who do not have steady employment. Meaning that parents cannot offer financial stability. When this occurs, children can miss basic necessities that are crucial for their well-being. While this number is disheartening, it is improving in comparison to previous years.  
  • Children Living in Households With A High Housing Cost Burden- 515,000 of Virginia’s youth live in households where more than 30% of the family’s income goes to housing-related expenses. When so much is spent on housing, it decreases financial ability for families in areas outside of housing.  
  • Teens not in school and not working- Currently there are 30,000 teenagers in Virginia who are not enrolled in school and are not employed. This number continues to rise. Without someone advocating for teens and their needs, it is easy for them to go unseen and unheard.  

Where does CASA come in?

Court Appointed Special Advocates help to serve as connectors and help align families with resources that can improve economic well-being such as food assistance and employment services.  

Are you interested in taking part in our mission to change a child’s story? Learn more here: Advocate | Henrico CASA