by Kristin Blalock | Apr 2, 2023 | Blog
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can take place within three realms: Households (including abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and parental mental illness) Community (such as poverty, poor housing quality, lack of social capital) Environment (pandemics or natural...
by Kristin Blalock | Mar 23, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to Episode 1 of the Vigilant Voices™ podcast, You Can Prevent Child Abuse. Kristin Blalock: Today is our first episode of the Vigilant Voices podcast. We had originally planned to launch this podcast in April during Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is...
by Kristin Blalock | Dec 16, 2022 | Blog
Brittany’s cries for help went unheard by her family. Her attempts at communicating her emotions – specifically her fear and anger from past abuse by a family member – were met by rejection as she bounced between various homes of friends and relatives. Brittany was...
by Kristin Blalock | Dec 9, 2022 | Blog
Jasmine’s father left her and her younger siblings in a parked car. They sat alone in that car for hours, scared and confused. When Jasmine feared that their father was not coming back, she began looking for help. Aid came in a commotion of strangers and police...
by Kristin Blalock | Dec 2, 2022 | Blog
Mario found himself grappling with the consequences of risky behaviors. On the surface, he was a teen making bad choices. Deeper within, he was a child battling a whirlwind of emotions and trauma associated with ongoing sexual abuse and medical neglect. Mario’s CASA,...