
Henrico CASA Blog

Read About Our Latest Updates & Events in Our Blog Below

Children who have experienced abuse and neglect have unique needs and challenges, as do their family, friends, and caregivers.

Learn with us as we explore topics related to the well-being of these children.

Together, we can create a community that is supportive and responsive to those needs.

CASA Communication: Uplift with Words

CASA Communication: Uplift with Words

“As one person, can I really make a difference?” We’ve all entertained this thought at one time or another. Complex situations, like the ones that often play out in the child welfare system, can feel daunting and endless. It’s only natural to wonder what kind of good...

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CASA Call to Action: Prioritize Children

CASA Call to Action: Prioritize Children

We have all heard the phrase "children are our future." It's true... but children must be our present in order to become our future. We must prioritize their well-being now - their health, safety, and education - in order to ensure they have a future. Not just any...

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CASA Case: Tyler’s Story

CASA Case: Tyler’s Story

The number of children requiring advocacy in our area is growing substantially. Did you know that: Approximately 75,000 children live in Henrico County 3,529 children were reported to Child Protective Services in 2021 During this period, 385 were appointed a Court...

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CASA Call to Action: Race Matters

CASA Call to Action: Race Matters

Race matters. That is why at Henrico CASA we believe our volunteers, staff, and leadership should reflect the diversity of the population that we serve. We strive for all of our partners to feel safe and comfortable as people, and within their roles at our...

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CASA Call to Action: Volunteer Your Voice

CASA Call to Action: Volunteer Your Voice

Our team at Henrico CASA often uses the phrase “a child’s voice.” We recognize that all children have a voice and it’s our responsibility to ensure it is heard. We stand up and speak up for children, acting as their voice in court. And we encourage our volunteers by...

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CASA Volunteers Give Children a Voice

As humans, we all have a voice but we may not feel empowered to use it, especially in a way that influences. To fully “have a voice” you must embrace your thoughts and experiences in order to communicate them effectively. Your words hold weight. Your point of view is...

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My Vision for Henrico CASA

My Vision for Henrico CASA

It’s funny how events in your life can make your vision clearer or more obscured. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where I was safe. However, before I even turned ten I realized that not everyone is that fortunate. At that time, my parents became the legal...

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CASA Volunteers Improve Well-Being

CASA Volunteers Improve Well-Being

In working towards Henrico CASA’s vision that all children in Henrico County live in safe and stable homes, we are continually exploring and evaluating the concept of a child’s well-being. Well-being is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy....

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There are many ways to help!

Henrico CASA - Advocate Block


Become a volunteer with our program to help advocate for Henrico's children in court
Henrico CASA - Ambassador Block


Help carry out education, engagement, and fundraising for Henrico's children
Henrico CASA - Donate Block


Donations help to support our ongoing advocacy services to Henrico's children