Carly’s Story

Carly’s Story

Carly was found wandering the street at night, without supervision. She was subsequently removed from her motherโ€™s care after it was determined that her family was homeless and Carly was experiencing physical and emotional neglect. Carly was appointed a dedicated...
Layla’s Story

Layla’s Story

Layla and her siblings faced many transitions when their family immigrated to the United States. On the outside, they looked like a successful, well-adjusted family. Unfortunately, their home life was actually a turbulent mix of mental illness, emotional abuse, and...
Ava and Malik’s Story

Ava and Malik’s Story

Ava and Malik* were born into a violent cycle of domestic abuse and substance use. They came to the attention of Child Protective Services after a series of over twelve visits to their home from law enforcement. Ava and Malik were appointed a dedicated Court Appointed...
Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 5

Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 5

As we conclude our month-long exploration of the evolution of child welfare policies in the United States, it’s only fitting to shine a spotlight on one of the most impactful pieces of legislation in recent years: the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018...
Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 4

Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 4

Have you ever wondered how child welfare laws came to be in the United States? It’s a pretty fascinating ride through history, especially when you consider that these laws are relatively new compared to other legal protections we take for granted. In recognition...