
Henrico CASA Blog

Read About Our Latest Updates & Events in Our Blog Below

Children who have experienced abuse and neglect have unique needs and challenges, as do their family, friends, and caregivers.

Learn with us as we explore topics related to the well-being of these children.

Together, we can create a community that is supportive and responsive to those needs.

What is Kinship Care?

What is Kinship Care?

During September, Kinship Care Month, we are reflecting on how kinship care has become increasingly important in meeting the needs of children involved with the child welfare system. Foster care serves as a crucial safety net for children who are unable to live with...

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CASA Library: Maid

CASA Library: Maid

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis In...

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CASA Library: No Visible Bruises

CASA Library: No Visible Bruises

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis As...

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CASA Library: A Place Called Home

CASA Library: A Place Called Home

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis There...

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CASA Library: Childhood Disrupted

CASA Library: Childhood Disrupted

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis Your...

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CASA Library: Look for Me

CASA Library: Look for Me

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis Look...

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CASA Library: Tiny Beautiful Things

CASA Library: Tiny Beautiful Things

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis Tiny...

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CASA Library: Grit

CASA Library: Grit

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and there’s no better time to read than the summer! In upcoming weeks we’ll be highlighting some of our recent favorites in the hopes that you will enjoy the themes and connections to our work as child advocates. Synopsis The...

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There are many ways to help!

Henrico CASA - Advocate Block


Become a volunteer with our program to help advocate for Henrico's children in court
Henrico CASA - Ambassador Block


Help carry out education, engagement, and fundraising for Henrico's children
Henrico CASA - Donate Block


Donations help to support our ongoing advocacy services to Henrico's children