
Henrico CASA Blog

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Children who have experienced abuse and neglect have unique needs and challenges, as do their family, friends, and caregivers.

Learn with us as we explore topics related to the well-being of these children.

Together, we can create a community that is supportive and responsive to those needs.

Layla’s Story

Layla’s Story

Layla and her siblings faced many transitions when their family immigrated to the United States. On the outside, they looked like a successful, well-adjusted family. Unfortunately, their home life was actually a turbulent mix of mental illness, emotional abuse, and...

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Ava and Malik’s Story

Ava and Malik’s Story

Ava and Malik* were born into a violent cycle of domestic abuse and substance use. They came to the attention of Child Protective Services after a series of over twelve visits to their home from law enforcement. Ava and Malik were appointed a dedicated Court Appointed...

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Torrie and Tanya’s Story

Torrie and Tanya’s Story

When they met their CASA, Torrie and Tanya* were living with their mother, a victim of domestic violence. Their home was dilapidated and insect-infested. It was clear that their living environment was unsafe and unhealthy. The girls were immediately moved to a...

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When All Else Fails, Listen

When All Else Fails, Listen

It can be difficult to find the right words, especially when interacting with foster parents, the children they care for, and the many others who may be involved in the foster care journey. Foster care placements can be complex situations, with complicated dynamics...

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Aging Out of Foster Care

Aging Out of Foster Care

As we explained earlier this month, foster care is a short-term arrangement while permanent solutions are developed for the well-being of a child. But what if you are no longer a child while living in this short term arrangement? What does it mean to ‘age out’ of...

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Touch Points for Support

Touch Points for Support

Children who have been removed from their homes are cared for by foster parents… but who supports the foster parents? Perhaps that is a role that you can play! Many challenges come along with foster care. There is a roller coaster of ups and downs for the children,...

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National Foster Care Month

National Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month. What is Foster Care? It is the system that we established in the United States to provide a temporary home for children who, for their own protection, have been removed from the care of their family of origin. It is a common...

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Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 5

Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 5

As we conclude our month-long exploration of the evolution of child welfare policies in the United States, it's only fitting to shine a spotlight on one of the most impactful pieces of legislation in recent years: the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018...

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Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 4

Journey through Child Welfare Law: Part 4

Have you ever wondered how child welfare laws came to be in the United States? It's a pretty fascinating ride through history, especially when you consider that these laws are relatively new compared to other legal protections we take for granted. In recognition of...

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There are many ways to help!

Henrico CASA - Advocate Block


Become a volunteer with our program to help advocate for Henrico's children in court
Henrico CASA - Ambassador Block


Help carry out education, engagement, and fundraising for Henrico's children
Henrico CASA - Donate Block


Donations help to support our ongoing advocacy services to Henrico's children