
Henrico CASA Blog

Read About Our Latest Updates & Events in Our Blog Below

Children who have experienced abuse and neglect have unique needs and challenges, as do their family, friends, and caregivers.

Learn with us as we explore topics related to the well-being of these children.

Together, we can create a community that is supportive and responsive to those needs.

DVAM: 4 Ways to Support a Child Victim

DVAM: 4 Ways to Support a Child Victim

Domestic violence creates an unsafe, unhealthy, and frightening environment for children. The violence may or may not be directed at the children. But the children are victims, all the same. Witnessing intimate partner violence is traumatic. Children may be witnessing...

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DVAM: What Is Trauma Bonding?

DVAM: What Is Trauma Bonding?

Studies show that domestic violence increased during the COVID pandemic. While data proved this, it also makes sense on a fundamental level. Isolation is an abuser’s greatest tool. And isolation was how the entire world coped with the pandemic. Victims were stuck with...

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DVAM: 4 Tips for Safety Plans

DVAM: 4 Tips for Safety Plans

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) defines ‘domestic violence’ as “the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate...

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Advocates for Higher Education

Advocates for Higher Education

An advocate is defined as one who pleads on someone else's behalf. This appeal or petition for another can be in many forms. There are macro-level advocates, such as those who advocate for large scale reform, and micro-level advocates, such as those who speak up for...

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Back to School with CASA

Back to School with CASA

With a new school year, the possibilities and opportunities are endless. Unfortunately, for some students, the challenges may also feel endless. That is why CASA volunteers encourage the children we serve to share their feelings about the new school year. We want to...

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Who Can Make a Difference?

Who Can Make a Difference?

Building new relationships can feel intimidating. This is especially true for children and teens who have experienced trauma. Youth hurt or abandoned by loved ones may be scared to trust again. Teens jaded by ongoing let-downs may expect the worse and not pursue new...

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CASA’s Call to Action: Support Families

CASA’s Call to Action: Support Families

In August, the Richmond Times Dispatch published the editorial below, written as a call to action for our community as children start returning to school this fall. Together, we can serve families, support our schools, and stop child abuse. Across our community,...

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CASA Library: Resilience Movie List

CASA Library: Resilience Movie List

Not everyone loves to read... so we wanted to end our summer library recommendations with a video library. See a full list of movie recommendations from Greater Richmond SCAN's Resilience Week resources. One of the major benefits of watching a film is that you can...

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CASA Library: What Happened To You?

CASA Library: What Happened To You?

Our team at Henrico CASA loves to read… and so do our amazing volunteer advocates! Our volunteers read MANY books as part of their continuing education. They often take the time to tell us about their favorites and how they connect to our work as child advocates....

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There are many ways to help!

Henrico CASA - Advocate Block


Become a volunteer with our program to help advocate for Henrico's children in court
Henrico CASA - Ambassador Block


Help carry out education, engagement, and fundraising for Henrico's children
Henrico CASA - Donate Block


Donations help to support our ongoing advocacy services to Henrico's children