
Henrico CASA Blog

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Children who have experienced abuse and neglect have unique needs and challenges, as do their family, friends, and caregivers.

Learn with us as we explore topics related to the well-being of these children.

Together, we can create a community that is supportive and responsive to those needs.

New Year’s Resolutions: Volunteer with Henrico CASA

New Year’s Resolutions: Volunteer with Henrico CASA

It’s that time of year, yet again, when many of us pause to consider New Year’s Resolutions. Some of us set specific goals, big and small. Others pick a theme word to focus on for the year. And a few of us skip the process all together knowing follow-through wanes!...

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CASA Volunteers Help Children AND Their Families

You know CASA for helping children - and that’s what we do, wholeheartedly. We work for the best interest of every child appointed to us. While serving children, we are also often serving their families… because a child who is abused and/or neglected represents an...

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Donate to Help CASA Give Children Bright Futures

Donate to Help CASA Give Children Bright Futures

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” Those words, spoken at graduation from Lexi* to her CASA volunteer, pinpoint an end and a beginning. These words were the end to discouragement and anger, escalating conflict and provocation. For years, Lexi had been unable to...

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Donate to Help CASA Give Children Happy Childhoods

Donate to Help CASA Give Children Happy Childhoods

A child’s bond with their mother runs deep. It can be complicated when a mother is struggling to meet her child’s needs.    While under their mother’s care, Madi* and her sister were found hurt and wandering outside, alone at night. The girls had a biological father...

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Donate to Help Henrico CASA Give Children Safe Homes

Donate to Help Henrico CASA Give Children Safe Homes

We could all use a cheerleader from time to time. A source of positivity and encouragement, perhaps even someone who holds up bright, colorful signs to remind us of our worth. James, Nate and Aubrey* have been experiencing this type of encouragement thanks to their...

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Henrico CASA Volunteers Give the Gift of Time

As I began to write this post, I was not sure I could articulate the actual definition of time. There are certainly many things that come to mind – the time of day, a moment in time, not enough time. This makes time a complicated word. It is a word that in one breath...

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CASA Volunteers Have a Heart for Service

We so appreciate our volunteers who wholeheartedly serve children and families in Henrico County. Our volunteers' love for kids, combined with their empathy and compassion, drives them to help families in meaningful ways. You may be picturing their service as...

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CASA Volunteers Show Compassion and Empathy

There are a number of reactions that people have when a child in our community is in emotional pain due to a crisis and/or conflict in their life. The reactions may range from apathy to sympathy, empathy to compassion. Apathy is the more negative reaction because it’s...

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CASA Volunteers Show Unconditional Love

CASA Volunteers Show Unconditional Love

There is nothing more amazing and wonderful to witness than people opening their hearts to help a child, loving and caring for that child unconditionally. There are many individuals in the child welfare system that give their heart and soul to helping children that...

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There are many ways to help!

Henrico CASA - Advocate Block


Become a volunteer with our program to help advocate for Henrico's children in court
Henrico CASA - Ambassador Block


Help carry out education, engagement, and fundraising for Henrico's children
Henrico CASA - Donate Block


Donations help to support our ongoing advocacy services to Henrico's children